Retirement Planning

A Financial Plan To Help You Retire Well.

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wealth management - flower blooming
Tax free retirement - older couple

You’ve Paid Taxes Your Whole Life. Retire Tax Free.

Our retirement planning services are built completely around your goals, concerns, requirements, and dreams. When we meet with clients one of the biggest hot buttons that always comes up is taxes. Building a tax free retirement is also an aspiration many clients have, and when considering the fact that 401ks, IRA’s, Annuities and even Social Security all create taxable income, it makes sense that many of our clients choose this as a goal.

There are many ways that building a tax free retirement income stream can benefit your overall tax picture and is a corner piece of our wealth management services.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Why Hire Palma Financial

Holistic retirement planning - CPA
As a new client looking for retirement planning services we work with you to identify all the areas that we can add value, help build and create your financial plan in which you can have confidence and give you a clear and collected vision of how your retirement can look.

Michael Palma Financial Advisor

Unique Strategies The Wealthy Use Are Available To You

CPA San Jose - Miguel Palma

Our approach to wealth management requires training and credentials at the highest level. This means that we are uniquely positioned to give you advice on every aspect of your finances when it comes to retirement planning services. The value that we provide in our recommendations and advice is unmatched.

How Will Palma Financial Services Help Me Retire?

Here are some of the areas in which we can help:

IRA’s and 401k’s

The IRA/401k is frequently the foundation of a retirement savings plan. By contributing to an IRA/401k you are getting tax deductions now and building a nest egg for later.

Tax Free Income

Believe it or not, there are many ways to build tax free retirement income and we have every tool available for our clients. Tax free income can also lower your tax bracket, reducing overall taxes.

Market Safety

Your risk appetite will directly impact the portfolio that we build and the type of risks we take as we aim toward helping you retire. We will never put you in unsuitable investments.


Protecting what you’ve accumulated through your life is just as important as growing it. If something unexpected were to happen, how does this affect your retirement plan? My clients don’t worry.

Legacy Planning

Many of my clients would like to leave a legacy behind as part of their retirement plan. We help ensure that the impacts of their decisions benefit others for generations to come.

Holistic Planning

Our wealth management services are built around your entire financial picture, giving us a clear indication of how to proceed going forward with the highest chance of hitting your retirement goals.


"I've had many different retirement plans over the years, many of which were decent, many of which were terrible. When I called Palma Financial, I figured it would be just another broker looking to push investments. I am pleased to say, Miguel proved me wrong. His meticulous planning and holistic approach to recommendations, and his strict adherence to ethical and fiduciary standards meant I was dealing with someone head and shoulders above the rest."

James Chen