Tax Planning & Preparation

Your uniquely tailored business tax plan is centered around the core goals and vision you have for your business. Palma Financial is in your corner. Let's plan for your future, together.

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How Can We Help You?

Palma Financial is the tax planning firm you need to build a solid tax plan built around your goals, with the vision of your business clearly in focus. Tax planning and preparation are a core principle of Palma Financial, and we proactively liaison between you and the IRS to ensure you are local, state, and federally compliant with all tax laws.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Why Do I Need A Tax Plan?

Visioned, Focused, and Meaningful Financial Decision Making
It doesn’t matter if your are considered wealthy or poor, having a solid and properly upgraded tax plan can mean the difference between tens of thousands of dollars is extra taxes, potential penalties or fees. Even worse, some people face jail time. Don’t risk it. Call us to put together your custom plan.

Tax Advantages You Hear About On The News


How many times have you asked yourself, “How can I only pay $725 in taxes?!” our experts have the tools to silence your speculations about your tax liability.

Michael Palma Financial Advisor

How Can Palma Financial Help Me?

CPA San Jose - Miguel Palma
It can be excruciatingly painful to deal with the IRS. When you hire Palma Financial to build a holistic and proactive tax plan, you are letting an experienced firm relieve you of these duties, so you can get back to focusing on what you do best; running your company. A tax plan with Palma Financial will help you in several ways.

Representing You with the IRS

Lowering Tax Liabilities

A solid tax plan will lower your tax liabilities while staying compliant, and proactively ensure that your tax bill stays as low as possible.

Record Reporting And Retention

We report directly to the IRS for you and maintain a strict list of important documents for retention, should you ever need assistance in an audit.

Understanding Your Tax Bracket

The laws around individual and business income taxes change frequently. We stay up to date with all changes in all 50 states and US territories so you stay compliant.

Understanding Common Mistakes

Millions of dollars are left on the table each year by taxpayers because of simple and common mistakes. We fix this for you to get you the most money possible.

Deductions vs. Credits

Many business owners and wealthy individuals are not taking the proper credits or deductions when doing their taxes. We will ensure your plan takes every possible advantage at your disposal.

Itemization VS Standard Deduction

When should you itemize your tax return? When should you take the standard deduction? We take the guesswork out of your taxes and plan accordingly.

Terry M.

"A tax plan doesn't just help you save money on taxes now; it helps you better plan ahead for the most tax-efficient future possible. You don't realize how much you need this. Call Palma Financial today. You're not going to regret it!"

Terry M.